Monday, December 05, 2005

racial reconciliation

just got done reading another blog about racial reconciliation and Christianity and once again the native people of this continent were overlooked in the discussion. why? is it because if names for your people are used as mascots for sports teams you aren't real? is it because there aren't very many of us? it is because mainstream america thinks we have casino money and are rich?
i just don't get it...

1 comment:

Truth Is Stranger said...

why? is it because if names for your people are used as mascots for sports teams you aren't real?
Well, yes, to some perhaps... making a charicature of something or someone tends to trivialze the subject.

it because there aren't very many of us?
Yes, that too, again to some extent. Big crowd=big noise. Little crowd=not so big noise.

it is because mainstream america thinks we have casino money and are rich?
Well, some of you are very, very rich due to just that fact.

The other aspect of Native issues for much of mainstream America is that it conjures up the distant past - and the farther away it becomes the less import it carries.

I wonder what your idea of a true racial reconcilliation is? Really, I am interested although, if you read my blog you might think I am far away from you. I think of history and remember.