Thursday, April 27, 2006

a city in the clouds

i was eight and it was early on a summer morning in Phoenix. i looked out my bedroom window to the east where i could see the sun beginning to wash the morning sky with colors of orange, red and yellow on the light purple clouds.
a lone cloud broke away from the pack and it's outline intrigued me. i saw an ancient city and i heard the word "Jerusalem". it was so clear that i thought maybe i was seeing a reflection of that faraway city in the sky.
it wasn't until years later that i would read a passage that reminded me of that vision, "Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God..." Revelation 21:2a
i watched until the cloud was lit up with the full light of the sun, changing in color from light purple to silvery gray.
all day i kept looking into the sky to see if i could see it again, and many times i watched at the window never to see it again.
this early summer morning i am looking again to see that city, "...prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Revelation 21:2b

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